Kāinga Ora still tries to push ahead with houses at Teitei Ree Andersons costs from 2020 - November 2023 Please contact RDC asking the following
This week we received response to a few OIA's, though many are still outstanding, some from the beginning of September, well over the legal 20 business days. Kāinga Ora is due to answer a number of items by 28th March after giving themselves an extension of 4 months, which conveniently was the CIP funding milestone date.
Kāinga Ora still tries to push ahead with houses at Teitei
Just 6 days after the pin was pulled, KO continues to fight for Teitei.
5 March 2024, Kāinga Ora’s Senior Legal Counsel – Property instructed that Kāinga Ora is willing to continue as a development manager for the Teitei Drive, Ohakune project and as a public housing build partner. In this capacity, Kāinga Ora is willing to pre-purchase up to 15 homes for public housing in this development.
Council advised that it has yet to formally consider how it moves forward on meeting housing needs in the District, and is not in a position to respond to the offer of 15 public houses in Teitei Drive at this time.
Ree Andersons costs from 2020 - November 2023
We have received under OIA, that REE ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES have cost council $256,492 as at 23 November 2023 to develop the housing strategy. It's unknown what costs were incurred from then till now, hopefully recent OIA's will reveal the total cost to ratepayers of this project. Please read below and contact RDC demanding action!
Please contact RDC demanding the following:
Please reach out to RDC <info@ruapehudc.govt.nz> and request
That the pathway between Snowmass and Teitei Drive officially be vested to protect there future of the path from being put at risk again.
An official information request for details on Teitei Drive and for documents relating to the costs incurred since 2020 to now and how much will be burdened on ratepayers.
A independent review into the handling of Teitei Drive, from 2020 till now. A review of the processes, policies, conduct of Elected Members and the CEO.
That council stop all spending on the ATMS / Housing initiatives until an independent review is completed.
That a public meeting be held as promised on 31st August 2023 to discuss the matter with residents and ratepayers.
That council make policy changes as suggested by ORS in the LTP pre-submission.