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Legal letters to RDC

Writer's picture: Barry MurphyBarry Murphy

This week, our legal team sent another two letters to RDC, this time including RDC's legal representation (Alan Vane from La Pine) due to the lack of responses and breaching

  • Local Government Act (LGA)

  • Resource Management Act (RMA)

  • Official Information Act (LGOIMA)

  • RDC's Policy of Significance

  • Council "Standing Orders"

  1. Download the first, once again outlines the failures of RDC from the previous 3 letters sent to RDC & highlights the Official Information requests not being adhered to An offer to meet RDC's solicitors "without prejudice" is made to go through the items. It is advised that if RDC continue to fail their obligations, that instructions are to file with the high court for "pre-litigation disclosure"to prepare for Judicial Review. RDC is again on notice as to indemnity costs on multiple items.

  2. Download the attachment relates to the letter above and documents the outstanding questions that have not been answered, or questions that have inadequately answered.

  3. Download the second letter requests additional information. Note resolutions, delegations & authorities has already been requested, however council responses to date have beat around the bush by not providing them, so these very targeted questions being asked. Mr Vane (Le Pine) a solicitor that acts for RDC, is again reminded that we will be filing for pre-litigation discovery with the high court if information is not provided in a timely manner.

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