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RDC Refuse to Release Costs

Updated: Jun 11

We asked back in September 2023 (no response), we asked again in November (no response) and we asked again in March, we finally have word back from Ruapehu District Council, they refuse to provide the costs associated with Teitei or the ATMS policy.

1st March, RDC emailed to confirm receipt of the OIA

27th March RDC extended the time frame with

This extension is necessary under section 14(1) (a) and (b) of the LGOIMA Act.- the request is for a large quantity of official information and necessitates a search through a large quantity of information and meeting the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations.- consultations with third party, is necessary to make a decision on the request are such that a proper response to the request cannot reasonably be made within the original time limit.

29th May arrived and no response.

30th May, we received the attached response.

Essentially council continue to hide information from the public which pertains to Teitei Drive.

The public / ratepayers have a right to know the costs incurred for Teitei Drive and the ATMS policy as a while.

Council responded to three of our OIA's containing multiple questions, with the exact same blanket response, without addressing the questions at all.

We've been forwarded responses four other members have had on the same topic, and they too were rejected with the same templated letter. What makes it worse, is Council responded to each individual in the letter head but failed to remove the "Dear Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents Society Inc" providing this was a copy paste response without addressing the actual questions

A complaint has been laid with the Ombudsman & we will follow this through until we obtain the information that should be public knowledge.

RDC pushed all these OIA's out to a date that followed the LTP introduction, now there is a month before the adoption of the LTP, they continue to withold information as they don't want the public to know why rates are increasing and debt is mounting; due to their mistakes!

See the OIA's here

The following OIA's go unanswered

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