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Searching Council Agendas

Writer's picture: Barry MurphyBarry Murphy

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

I have downloaded (and share here) all agendas, minutes and appendix for Council meetings and WWCB (Ohakune Community Board) from 2020 to now, there are over 200 Documents and nearly 1Gb of data. I highlight all documents with reference to "Teitei" in below table:

As will be shown, not a single mention of Teitei as a housing development to the public, or any discussions around Tietie Drive land sale, or any community consultation on the agendas. The upcoming agenda is now downloadable for 23 August 2023, which is next week, however a Resource Consent application has already been submitted and is well underway. There is a Hui on Thursday 31st August at Ohakune Council Chambers to inform the public and answer questions; please attend if you can!

Before reading the table below, see Horizon (our regional council) Agenda here from 24 August 2021, you can see on page 137, an agenda item for an option to dispose of 3 small sections to Kainga Ora. This was openly shared which would allow for discussion from any concerned citizens and for debate to be engaged for a final decision. The council also mentions there will be some media and public interest, this severely differs from our case with Teitei Dr where up to 157, high density, low value housing next to Carrot Park & a high value subdivision of Snowmass with high covenant restrictions.

Document Name

Reference in Document

​​145 submissions, one of the questions asked “Council's role in housing: Council should facilitate, advocate and partner with others - our preferred solution”

Taumarunui is also experiencing growth but not as rapid as Ohakune. The main drivers for the growth in Taumarunui are:

High demand for quality and affordable houses

Potential social housing development (refer to Section 4.4.2 below) - note 4.4.2 relates to stormwater, rather see 4.4.3 which states... "The focus is on providing quality and affordable houses in Taumarunui as noted above"

Local Context, District Plan - The District Plan is the guiding document, which directs how we change, develop and use our environment, as well as our obligations for protecting and safeguarding it for future generations. The District Plan is under review by chapter with focus on the housing development and industrial land zones

13 - Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Council Business:

C1: Housing Initiative Update

​1.3 Executive Group Management Summary

14 Aug 2020 - Attended zoom meeting with Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP) and consultant, Ree Anderson around housing initiatives in Ruapehu

17 Aug 2020 - Attended zoom meeting with CIP and consultants on housing project with relevant staff

20 Aug 2020 - Zoom meeting with CIP and consultants on housing project

25 Aug 2020 - Attended zoom meeting with Ngati Haua with Ree Anderson and consultants on housing project

1.9 : Chief Executive meetings - 2 July 2021 - Held zoom meeting with Ree Anderson, housing consultant with Kainga Ora around Teitei Drive + Telephone call with Ree Anderson


11 Nov 2021 - Meeting with Ken Setiu to discuss Housing initiatives in Ohakune.

1.6.3 Whilst further funding for the 44 additional houses in Taumarunui has not yet been confirmed by CIP we have written to Minister Robertson to seek his support of the project (see Attachment 2). See page 95 for letter to Grant Robertson


18 Jan 2021 - Telephone call to Caroline McDowell of Kainga Ora around Housing project

22 Jan 2021 -

  • Telephone call with Ree Anderson around Housing project

  • Telephone call with Ngati Haua around Housing project

  • Zoom meeting with Morrison Low around Housing project

26 Jan 2021 - Attended Ruapehu Housing workshop with Kainga Ora with relevant staff, consultants and Iwi in Ohakune

29 Jan 2021 - Telephone call with Morrison Low consultant on Housing project

5 - Proposed Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Taumarunui Future Housing and Community Plan


19 March 2021 - Telephone conversation with Ree Anderson, housing project consultant

23 March 2021 - Telephone call to Ree Anderson, housing project consultant

Capital Projects Teitei Drive, Ohakune $18,000

20220330 Council Public Agenda APPROVED.pdf

Page 402 & 403

3.5 : Chief Executive meetings

10 Feb 2022 - ​Attended Zoom meeting on close-out of Taumarunui Housing and Community Plan with Ngāti Hauā, The Urban Advisory (TUA) with Ree Anderson and the Executive Manager Iwi Relationships

11 Feb 2022 - Telephone call with Alan Vane of Le Pine & Co, legal counsel

21 Feb 2022 - Telephone call to Ree Anderson, housing project consultant

28 Feb 2022 - Teams meeting with Kāinga Ora and consultants around Teitei Drive development

3.5 : Chief Executive meetings

14 April 2022 - Telephone call to Ree Anderson, housing project consultant

19 April 2022 - Telephone call to Ree Anderson, housing project consultant

21 April 2022 - Telephone call re Impact Collective Governance + Attended Teitei Drive workshop with Kāinga Ora, Ngāti Rangi with consultants

3.3 : Chief Executive meetings

2 June 2022 - Teams meeting on Teitei Drive housing project with Kāinga Ora and Ngāti Rangi with Ree Anderson (consultant) and Morrison Low

14 July - Meeting with Kāinga Ora, Ngāti Rangi, senior staff with consultants on Tei Tei Drive housing project

3.3 : Chief Executive meetings

9 August 2022 - Teams meeting with Rogier Eradus re. Ngāti Rangi + Telephone call to Le Pine & Co with consultants around Teitei housing project + Teams meeting with Waka Kotahi NZTA on regional relationship with the Mayor + Teams meeting with Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) around Kokiri Trust development in Taupo Road + Teams meeting with GHD around Ohakune WTP upgrade with consultants and Infrastructure staff.

25 August 2022 - Attended site visit to Teitei Drive in Ohakune with Kāinga Ora and consultants with Consents staff

6.2.1 - Membership of the Portfolio Governance Group is presented to Council for its approval. To provide executive alignment and leadership to the programme, and help the individual project teams achieve the engagement, collaboration, and approvals necessary to successfully deliver the projects. (e) Teitei Drive Housing (Ohakune)

3.2 - Chief Executive meetings :

15 September 2022 - Teams meeting with to Kāinga Ora to discuss Teitei Drive

27 September 2022 - Teams meeting with Kāinga Ora to discuss engagement on Teitei Drive

Capital Projects TeiteiDrive, Ohakune $3,000

​9.1 - Housing

(c) Kanga Ora / RDC / Ngati Rangi are working together to provide 15 public homes, 15 first time home buyers homes, and 14 Long Term worker-rental homes in Teitei Drive, Ohakune. An application for the resource consent for the subdivision has been lodged.

If you've got this far, take a read of RDC's Significance of Engagement Policy , it's very clear the following items have taken place making it of the highest significance on their test scale. You will find, this has been reported in the media multiple times, has begun a stream of parliamentary questions, has had over 950 petition signatures opposing & has upset over 150 neighbouring rate payers + hundreds more around Ohakune. Council has confirmed that the amount of enquiries from multiple rate payers and multiple LGOIMA requests have inundated them.

  • The issue is deemed highly significant by the community or large parts of the community. The issue is controversial, will impact on the lives of people and may have political consequences, and is likely to be reported on widely by the press

  • The decision cannot be reversed e.g. out of Court settlement

  • Capacity to conduct a significant activity district wide is compromised

  • Potential reduction in levels of service

  • Potential reduction in levels of service below any level of service standards agreed on through the LTP by Council, including change to service delivery points


Then read through the Local Government Act (LGA) section 82 & others regarding Consultation, to which Council has not followed.


Lastly, then look at the District Plan Policies & Rules RE2.2.2 which states below (which Resource Consent Documen sumbitted, has specifically excluded neighbouring properties from, I'm unsure under what legal grounds):

General Character and Amenity

(a) To maintain and enhance residential character through Conditions guiding the density and development of Residential sites.

(b) To ensure any development exceeding these Conditions does not detract from the specific character of the area and does not adversely affect the residential amenity of adjoining or neighbouring properties.

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