25th October Council Meeting
Council held their monthly Council meeting yesterday and it was clear that councillors still have concern over the Teitei Drive project. Three of the councillors present (Rabbit was away) did not want to accept the minutes from the 27th September meeting, claiming that doing so would ratify the Mayors decision to not let the issue lie on the table, which had received 6 of 9 councillors support.
Councillor Neeson stated that Mayor Weston stated at the beginning of the 27th September meeting that he supported the proposal to continue the contract, contravening the rule that members are supposed to be neutral and come into the meeting with an open mind. She went on to state that they each have their own opinions, but with his opening statement he overstepped the boundaries of introducing the item.
Mayor Weston, at no point stated that Lyn couldn't second Deputy Majors motion to let the matter lie on the table. Councillor Nottage, or any other councillor that had not spoken would have been able to speak up and second the motion if they had been advised this was the case.
Mayor Weston, tried to defend his case while speaking down to two councillors as if his interpretation of the standing orders were correct, when in fact they are not; I am surprised councillors have not sought legal advice on the matter. Our legal advice has stated that the motion should have been accepted and that there are no rules stating a member that had spoken on the matter was not able to second a new motion. The Mayor also stated he had the ultimate decision to accept or reject the motion & that he decided to not accept it, however, this is also wrong, he had an obligation under standing orders to accept the motion put forward.
We find ourselves in a situation, where standing orders continue to be breached, and minutes from 27th September, and likely 25th October will now be untrue and incorrect; making decisions and resolutions passed null and void.
The action by the Mayor, continues to dig our council deeper and deeper into a hole, providing more evidence for our eventual Judicial review of our inept council, let down by a majority.
Official Society Website (ORS.nz)
We have officially launched the Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc. website last night. While pretty bland and lacking color and content right now, it will be build on over the coming week.
Please visit the website and become a member of the society for as little as $50. By joining, you show your support against this project and held in supporting the legal battle ahead. While funds are important, its more important to have the numbers, so even joining as an Associate shows support in numbers when we take this to the High Court.
The Exec team are holding a meeting at 10am today to discuss next steps.
Meet the team supporting you on the ORS Contact Us page