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Council Survey & continue to refusing Information

Today council posted to Facebook that they would like to hear from the public on how we think they are doing. Please taker the survey to express how you think Council is doing. The survey will likely form part of their plans for the LTP that is overdue and expected for release shortly.

As we posted on 27th March, Kainga Ora visited Ohakune, specifically Teitei Drive, then Council offices. We requested information on what the meeting was about and what is going on with Teitei; they are refusing to respond. See their response to the Official Information Request and our further followup, then Council continuing to refuse.

We suggest the public email council, or better yet, to it publicly via FYI, demand answers on what is happening with Teitei and for documents relating to anything thats happened since 5th March 2024. If they refuse, we suggest lodging a complaint to the Ombudsman and reaching out to us.

That's all for now, but Please remember taker the Council survey ASAP.

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