Ree Anderson is the consultant that provided the report for tomorrows council meeting, where the fate of Teitei Drive will be voted on by way of resolution. I believe Ree has provided a very bias report & has developed a document which is essentially a defence, but lacks some important information, and is incorrect in some statements. Considering Ree has worked on the Teitei project since at least 2nd July 2021 (noted in CEO notes in council agendas) her job is to essentially get this project across the line.
See my email to Ree along with councillors earlier today. We can only hope they do the right thing and seek legal advice before passing this resolution.

Council is at risk of a Judicial review, one that follows all the same traits as the recent Napier project that was canned, you'd think there would be legal advice on this matter already, and attached to the agenda.
After the record turnout 31st August, with just 5-10 people in support of the project, and over 140 apposing it, the council was asked to STOP, Rethink & Consult. When the room was asked, how many had not been consulted on the matter, everyone rose their hand.
The Mayor suggested a possible special meeting an hour into the meeting and said he would treat it as a priority, yet no such meeting was held. In closing the 2hr meeting, the Mayor summarised the fact that we wanted a pause and consultation, and that a meeting would be held.
The deputy Mayor, Viv then went on to confirm that Council "Will have an urgent meeting because the decision has been made in a back forum and you will be notified, publicly", again this did not happen.
On 29th November 2022, Ngāti Rangi reached out to council with concerns regarding consultation with the broader community, see a copy here.